Monday 14 March 2011

Warming Up...

Time to pack those skates away until next winter perhaps?! It's more obvious in the top picture, but to the left of the bottom picture you can just about see the sheets of broken ice collecting at the side of the boardwalk. This morning was the first time I noticed that the birds are back at the lake in abundance, back from their winter breaks in warmer's definitely warming up!

I would also like to wish my Grandfather a very happy 90th Birthday today, a very respectable age indeed! I know he will be reading this at some point as he is actually more technically advanced than me! We hope you have a lovely day and sorry we can't be with you. xxx


  1. Just found your blog and I love it. I too am a SAHM from the UK recently arrived in Denmark as a 'trailing wife'. Loved your reference to heading to Waitrose and M&S on a return trip - I fantasise about M&S these days!!!

  2. aah you have such beautiful pics on your blog.
    Liking your fish too!

  3. Thank you Kitty! Yes, no M&S is particularly hard!

    Hi MD, thank you, that's very kind! Fish OK, but my children constantly want the computer on so they can "feed them"...!


  4. Hey there :)

    Told you I'd visit. :) I love Scandinavia (never been but does that matter??) and will be eagerly following your adventures. Love the photos.


  5. Thanks Nev! No, I don't think it matters if you haven't been, but you should if you get the chance! Emma :)

  6. so beautiful x

  7. Fabulous pictures, look really tranquil. It is about time spring was upon us and all that ice disappeared.

    A belated happy birthday to your grandfather.

    And that picture on your previous post of the snowdrop is absolutely stunning.

    CJ xx

  8. Thanks so much CJ! I believe he had a lovely day and sounded exhausted from all of the visitors and phonecalls! Only another ten years until he gets a special card from a lady of a similar age (or near enough!). Glad you like the snowdrop too (and for following! :)). Emma


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