Sunday 20 March 2011

A Sunday Gathering...

Silent Sunday


  1. How lovely. They do have to be in order don't they?!

    CJ xx

  2. I can imagine this took some serious concentration!
    B x

    PS very excited to find your blog. My Dad is from Denmark and I could read about anything even slightly to do with it all day. Hope your enjoying your time there!

  3. This is really cool - such organisation!

  4. Brilliant! I love the eclectic mix of figures! I'm sure Playmobile wasn't so sophisticated when I was young... x

  5. Loving the lady in the bikini with the pushchair!

  6. brilliant - love playmobil and this is the sort of thing I do, line them all up! the woman with the bikini is mind boggling - it's the pram!

  7. Im sure the line up of the village people are there

  8. Thanks all! Yes, they could well be about to do the YMCA, especially with the guy at the end with his hands in the air! I am also not sure why the lady with the pushchair feels comfortable enough to venture out like this while there is still snow on the ground... Perhaps the jealousy of the other playmobil ladies (she is the only one with boobs) has driven her over the edge....


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