Thursday 13 October 2011

Goodbye Denmark...

So, the day has come when it's time to say goodbye Denmark!  Thank you so much for the past two years!   You have at times been challenging, infuriating and blinking cold.  But you have also been interesting, educational, and beautiful.  We have learned so much as a family during our time here, learning to cope in a foreign land and all the experiences that go with that.  It's certainly put a different perspective on many things for me on life generally.  We will also take away many many fond memories, and so many great friendships too.  So for that at least, tusen tak! 

To my faithful readers, thank you for reading my drivel, the comments and support, and for following us on our journey.   You will be pleased to hear (or perhaps not!), that I will be back online shortly with a brand new blog in which to record our new adventures in our brand new country!  I hope you will follow me there (details to follow shortly)! In the meantime, I expect to be offline for a couple of weeks while we take a break between countries!

Thanks again, and watch this space!


  1. *sniff...sniff*

    I've loved reading your blog, Emma, and I still can't thank you enough for all the help you gave me in preparation for our trip to Copenhagen.

    Looking forward to the new blog. I will follow with interest.

    Hope the move goes well. xxx

  2. Hej Hej Emma and family. I am really going to miss the Scandinavian Sojourn but am super excited to hear about the next chapter. Bon voyage xx

  3. Wow, it's all happening! I hope your move goes well and am looking forward to seeing a beautiful blog from Munich - it is Munich you're going to?!
    Good luck x

  4. Hope you have just as much fun on the next step of your journey.

  5. I am really looking forward to following your adventures in a new country :)

  6. I've seen that mermaid, she's beautiful. I'm sad it's the end of the road for Scandinavian Sojourn but really looking forward to the next chapter, have fun xx

  7. best of luck with your move Emma, hope you all settle in quickly.

    Looking forward to your new blog! I will keep an eye out for the link here:-)

    xx Jazzy

  8. Tak for a wonderful sojourn in Denmark. I've enjoyed it immensely - and funnily enough I didn't find it cold at all :). Looking forward to joining you in Bavaria for more adventures and flavours. Good luck with the move and lots of love, Rachel xxx

  9. look forward to following you to your new blog, good luck with the move xx

  10. all the best and looking forward to the new blog..

    take care x

  11. @Trish - thank you Trish, I shall miss writing here, thanks for all your comments and support too. I hope you are coming to Munich! xxx

    @Kitty - Hej Hej! Thank you! I shall miss seeing you on various LINK activities. Will keep reading your blog too, Keep in touch xx

    @Melksham Mum - thank you so much! Yes, Munich is our next destination :)

    @TheMadHouse - thank you :)

    @Kellogsville - thank you :)

  12. The Expat Wife - thank you! Likewise :)

    @Mari - thank you lovely, as one chapter closes and all that!...

    @Jazzygal - thank you very much! New blog up in the next couple of weeks :)

    @Midlife Single Mum... thanks for the lovely comment, in fact thank you for all of them on here! So glad you didn't find it too cold too ;) Emma xxx

    SarahMumof3 - thanks for all of your comments along the way... :) xxx

    FrankieP - thank you! Hope everything is going OK with your move too! xxxx

  13. I just found your blog - where are you going to next? I'm an American mom living in England - it is great to 'meet' you here in blogland. Good luck on your move! XOLaura

  14. Can't wait to see where life takes you next, my friend, and hopefully join you on the journey. Don't be long, now! x

  15. Happy travels! I look forward to the new blog :)

  16. (stares at monitor, waiting for something to happen).... xoxoxoxox

  17. Hope the move has gone well and look forward to the next instalments! xx

  18. @Happy Homemaker! Hello... thanks for the follow! We are now in Germany... New blog will be active anyday now! Hope you are enjoying England! :)

    @EnglishMum - thank you lovely, won't be much longer, promise! :)

    @Manana Mama - thank you...:)

    @Mary - patience is a virtue... :D Hope you are well xxx

    @The Alexander Residence - Move has gone very well thank you! Catch up soon :)

  19. I’m glad to read you again. Thanks for this post. Make me hungry, Best for you Buddy! Merry Christmas and Happ New year


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