Wednesday 2 March 2011

Simple Pleasures

For me this is a real simple pleasure, as it's something that immediately transports me back - a true taste of home! I can't wait for our upcoming trip, first stop Waitrose and M&S to stock up on plenty more tastes of home to bring back and hoard!


  1. Simple, but yucky....they say you either love it or hate it but it's a hate for me.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog too :)

  2. What a brilliant simple pleasure! Great post!

  3. I love marmite! It must really conjure an intensive 'taste of home' if you are away. Magic stuff. Have a jar in the caravan of course! Glad you stopped by, helloitsgemma has been recommneding you to me but I had lost the link she sent me. Good to learn a Danish word too :)

  4. This made me smile :)

  5. I was going to call it "Love it or Hate it..."!!

    Thanks all, and thanks for the follow Alexander Residence! :)


  6. I Love it! I cant buy it while Im on a diet because I love it on toast and am prone to being greedy with it. Great shot! x

  7. HATE that stuff with a capital H...just the thought - blach! But, I know how it is to hanker after the home comforts - for me it's roasted green chile, proper BBQ sauce, and ranch dressing (how gross is that?). Hope you have a lovely time stocking up on stuff and visiting home.

  8. I love Marmite. Everyone thinks I'm weird :(

  9. I'm a hater! but a good statement photo x

  10. That's hilarious! (for a French person, that is).
    I bet that would be my husband's idea of a simple pleasure too.

  11. grim horrible stuff but everyone else in this house loves it. it very much conjures up Brits abroad and it makes me smile when I spot it in a French supermarket and realise there is obviously a little British community locally.

  12. Oooh Marmite, I am gutted that FUnky Monkey doesnt like it , you can get it here in Netherlands though.

  13. Not everyone's cup of tea but I actually like Marmite!

    Sometimes the simple things are best:-)

    (Just had a quick glance at your Theatre tour post... I'd have really enjoyed that!)

    xx Jazzy


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