Wednesday 31 August 2011

Preparing for Winter...

These photographs were less than half an hour old at the time of posting...

Originally I didn't have anything to enter The Gallery this week (the subject is Animals), but having just been for a quick walk in the woods, I came across this little guy who quite happily posed for me for a couple of minutes.  He then lost his temper and actually screeched at me very loudly to leave him alone and let him get on with his preparations for winter!  No doubt he will over-prepare, and next year the owners of the house will spend a lot of time in the garden removing small shoots from nuts he had squirrelled away in forgotten hiding places -  just like I had to in ours...  I have felt for a while that the change in seasons is well underway, and he has just confirmed it to me! 


  1. Great photos, such attitude from the squirrel perhaps a teenager!

  2. Definitely a teenager. I couldn't believe it! Very funny though! :)

  3. Wow, a red squirrel! I haven't seen one of those in years. Pesky grey ones taking over...
    Lovely pic!

  4. Lucky you to find such a poser. Brilliant pics and good words too

  5. What a fabulous colour he is! I wonder if Nice and Easy do it? Like the way he stopped for your second shot :)

  6. So nice to see a red squirrel rather than a grey one. Lovely pics x

  7. "Who you looking at?!". A brazen squirrel - what a photo opportunity.
    Can't believe summer is officially over :-(

  8. @NotSuchaYummyMummy - plenty of them here! You see loads of them at this time of year. Also lots squashed on the road as they rush to get ready! :(

    @Celebratingmums - thanks very much :)

    @Mari's World... he is an odd colour isn't he. Maybe he's a slightly older squirrel after all and uses "Just For Squirrels"! :)

    @MelkshamMum - thank you :)

    @Trish - Thank you! Brazen indeed! Over before it's even begun too :(

    @Cornflake Girl - thank you :)

  9. Ah lovely! Hilarious him telling you off and all :-D

  10. they really are quite red aren't they..

    just as cheeky as the grey ones then?

  11. wow they are great photos what a little poser he is!

  12. Oh, how cute! Great photos! We have squirrels too, they feed on food left out in bird feeders in our next-door neighbour's garden. Unfortunatley there the grey squirrels. They've taken over here in Ireland and the red squirrell is in danger of becoming endangered!

    xx Jazzy

  13. I absolutely ADORE these pictures - I have a soft spot for squirrels. Great captures.

  14. @Frankie - very and very :)

    @Sarahmumofthree - thank you :)

    @Jazzy, those blinking greys! Can't bear them! :)

    @SAHMLovingit - thank you :)

  15. Squuurrrl! I miss them! No squrrls in Australia, but we have possums. They're not as cute, though. Good luck with the preparations for the big move, cuz! xx

  16. Thanks Florence, all is going well (so far!) Hope you had a good journey back and you are over your jet lag! Looking forward to your new blog (love the name!)! Emma :) xxx


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