Sunday 4 September 2011

Silent Sunday!


  1. Thats great! you have the best photo's!! xx

  2. What a fabulous shop! Kind of makes me think New York and ships arriving in the harbour full of new immigrants

  3. Surely a cap is a cap? they can't all be that different...

  4. @Sarahmumof3 - if it's not, it's going to be very confusing when you go inside! :)

    @Emma - thank you lovely :) xx

    @Mari - thank you! It reminded me of the magic shop that Mr Ben visits... I also liked all their smiling faces, so happy with their hats!

    @Frankie - you would think so wouldn't you!! Have you ever seen the Umbrella shop near Tottenham Court tube? I often thought the same thing with that, although it was old and beautiful! :)

  5. WoW, I bet it looked like that 50 years ago as well. Fab pic.

  6. love this, I like the way they are all labelled, so I guess they must all be slightly different.

  7. @Melksham Mum - not this time... :)

    @Clairejustine - thank you :)

    @BlueBearWood - and probably before that too! Thank you :)

    @Gemma - glad you like it! I think they are, just ever so slightly though! Emma : )

  8. I love this! They look like they are watching the tennis/cricket/whatnot!

  9. Thanks Christine! As they are all flat caps, I would say it might be the cricket?!? Emma :)


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