Saturday, 10 September 2011

Naughty Netto

An advert I passed yesterday for an expanding supermarket...  I had to do a double take as at  first I wasn't sure I had seen it correctly.  It  basically reads  "New bigger Netto on the way!  Open 16 November etc.  We are working on it"!   I am not sure they would have got away with this in the UK, but it did make me laugh...  If only we were here in November.  I would be so tempted to go and stick few a few cut out puppies over the new sign!


  1. I didn't realise what you meant until I read your last sentence and then did a double-take of the rude pooches haha!

  2. Creative advertising!! Can you imagine the Daily Mail headlines in the UK if this was allowed?!? :)

  3. oh, so, SO great! a huge smile has spread across my face :)

  4. Thanks Miss Buckle, hope you are well :)

    Glad it made you smile HopefulMummy... picture's a little blurry as I made my other half drive past it slowly so I could take a pic! Happy Saturday! :)

  5. That is brilliant... surely they knew when designing the sign...

  6. HAHA Fab Didnt get it at first!

  7. @Frankie, I think so! :)

    @Windmill Tales... neither did I! :)

  8. @Manana Mama - Danish style!! You should see some of the TV adverts! :)

  9. Oh advertising is so boring and up itself over here. That's hilarious.


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