Sunday 31 July 2011

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday


  1. Can't work out what it is - a moth?

  2. A teeny tiny frog, that for some reason looked much clearer on my PC until I published it :( If you click on it you will get a much clearer view though!! :)

  3. oooh a little frog. We have a lot of those at the moment! xx

  4. Eeeeewww *runs away* we have three in our garden and they wait until i go out to hang the washing and pounce on me. haha fab picture x

  5. You sound just like my sister! She LOVES them... Thanks for the follow :)

  6. That IS tiny! My Dad & Sister are huge froggy fans (random but true!).

  7. Fantastic little frog. I took one of a dragonfly that I might add to my blog later. I thought it looked much bigger then it does in the photo too. :-)

  8. I remember those tiny frogs from my childhood. They're adorable.

  9. ohh a tweeny frog, we love to find these and make sure they are safe!

  10. Discoveries in nature... always so precious :)

  11. @Nicki Cawood - I have a bit of a soft spot for them too, especially when they are this tiny!

    Alexandra - thank you! Please do, I love dragonflies! :)

    Jennifer - thank you! They remind me of being small too, when I am sure everything seemed much bigger!

    SarahMumof3 - we seem to have quite a few of them at the moment, the kids are fascinated!

    Sarah of Catching the Magic - my two have been really spoilt with that here!

    Kellogsville - I am going to be singing that all day now! :)

  12. such a tiny frog. cute (in a slightly eeeww sort of way!) x

  13. The mini-beast is cute but I was blown away by your header picture - love it!

  14. I've just viewed the full-sized photo to see it properly - such a cute tiny weenie little frog!

  15. @FiveGoBlogging - thank you! Isn't it just! Small boy wanted to keep it as a pet but thankfully it hopped off before we had to explain he couldn't...

    @Midlife Singlemum - thanks so much :)

    @minibreakmummy - he is isn't he! :)

  16. Tiny frog in little hands! Very Cute!

  17. @Another Goldfish - thank you :)

  18. aaawwww im bad at picking little creatures up, i fall in love and want to keep them!! haha xx

  19. Thanks Clairejustine!

    @TheMummyLife - totally what I am like, about most of them anyway! Not Catepillars though! :)

  20. ewwwwwww I love how you didnt get tooo close!

  21. Thanks Alyson! I don't mind frogs too much, I think I was quite far back as I was worried it would hop onto the camera or something :)

  22. Oh I LOVE frogs so much. My Grandad used to have lots of them in his pond when I was a kid so I grew up around them. I used to spend ages playing with them :)

  23. Thanks Sahmlovingit! I am quite fond of them too, especially when they are this tiny! :)


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