Monday, 13 June 2011

Glass Blowing

Coming from a country where health and safety (especially in schools) is getting ever so slightly ridiculous, it always amuses me to see children here doing things that the UK health and safety "gurus" would have a fit about. Take these children for example, from the nearby island of Christiansø, having a great time at their first attempt at glass-blowing at Baltic Sea Glass, a really lovely hand-blown glass studio on Bornholm... It was great watching their designs take shape, and pretty soon the finishing furnace was filled with all manner of balloons, bees, vases and elephants, with no burns or other injuries to speak of!!

This was one of my favourite objects there, as they take their inspiration from what's directly outside their window, you can see why it's called Baltic Sea Glass can't you?


  1. That looks like great fun, and you are right about H and S here getting ridiculous :-)

  2. Thanks MMM... I was only jealous that I didn't get to have a go myself! H&S is one of the things that puts me off coming back one day... it just goes too far sometimes!

  3. Love that glass bowl - that would look fab in my new kitchen as it now needs a splash of colour and it would match a painting I plan to hang up!
    We saw glass blowing on the island of Murano when we visited Venice a few years ago. I think we were only able to watch from a roped-off area. How amazing to actually have a go!

  4. Trish, well now you are just going to have to come back and visit Bornholm...!! They have an online shop too if you really really need to have it! Venice sounds wonderful, can't wait to go one day! Emma :)

  5. Gorgeous! I've been to Murano as well - still can't get over the amazing sculptures, vases and bowls they make so effortlessly. Such an art!! x

  6. Thanks Jax, it looks so effortless, I would love to have a go, but I bet mine would be rubbish! :)

  7. Wow, that looks amazing and so much fun. I am sure the mini mads would love to give that a go

  8. It does doesn't it... I bet they would love it too! Emma :)

  9. What fun! And that glass is beautiful. Thanks for sharing x

  10. Thanks English Mum! I wish I had bought it now, I didn't buy anything because I couldn't decide what to get... :(


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