Tuesday 14 December 2010

Oh Christmas Tree...

We chose our tree on Sunday. In the UK we would normally drive to a garden centre and pick out a pre-prepared tree, but this year we drove to a farm where we walked through the snow until we got to the Christmas Tree forest. You didn't have to walk, if you waited for long enough, you could hop on this very festive transport . It took ages to choose the actual tree as they were all beautiful, but sadly some of them were just far too big. Once we had ceremoniously chopped it down, we dragged it back to the farm, where brave people sat around drinking glögg and eating æbleskiver after exerting themselves with seasonal lumberjacking. We were frozen so decided to go back home for glögg in front of the fire. Funny how the tree didn't look as big in it's natural environment though, poor thing had to endure a further operation at both ends so it could actually stand up in the house....


  1. Ha! Ha! That's Huge!! No wonder you had to buy more decorations!!! xx

  2. Ahh It's beautiful, puts ours to shame!! I bet Ruby and Sam loved going to choose one. I wish we could be there with you this year xxx


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